Academy of Vocal Arts
ASAP/After School Activities Partnerships
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s The Vaccine Fund
Central Florida Hillel
Congregations of Shaare Shamayim
Columbia University/Barnard Hillel
GAVI/Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization

Liberty Science Center
Maternity Care Coalition
Mead Johnson Nutrition
New World Symphony
NYSERDA/New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
PHENND/Philadelphia Higher Education Network for Neighborhood Development
Plum Creek Timber
Procter & Gamble brands
PYN/Philadelphia Youth Network
Project U-Turn/PYN

RCS Real Estate Advisors
Solomon Schechter- Westchester
Storefront Academy Harlem
The Arthur Project
The Institute of Culinary Education
The Tel Aviv Foundation
Willis Towers Watson
U.S. Fund for Unicef

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